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St. Benedict's Abbey

The novitiate is a 366 day period of prayer, work, and discernment. On Dec. 8, 2018, Br. Jerome Simpson and Br. Florian Rumpza reached the end of their time as novices, coming before the community to profess vows of stability, obedience, and conversion. Join us in praying for these men and all the monks in formation!

Snow + Monks= THIS! Yesterday the Monks of St. Benedict's Abbey invited students to join us in a lively snowball fight in our Walnut Tree Grove (just north of our cemetery). There was capture the flag, lots of fun, and hot chocolate! How many snowball fights start with an opening prayer?

On Dec. 7, 2018, two men: Charles Atkinson and Martin Anderson, our postulants, left their old lives behind. In entering the novitiate they were clothed in the habit and received their monastic names, reborn within our community as they continue to discern God’s will in their lives. Charles received the name, Br. Angelus; Martin will now be known as Br. Maximilian Mary. During the next year they will pray and work under the tutelage of Fr. Jay Kythe, the Abbey’s novice master. We ask that you join us in praying for these men, that their novitiate will lead them ever closer to Christ.

On March 18, 2019, the monks, in conjunction with the Knights of Columbus and Benedictine College ministry, were blessed to host the incorrupt heart of St. Jean Marie Vianney at St. Benedict’s Abbey. More than 1000 people came to the church to venerate this great relic. Thank you to all who made this possible and to all who participated in this great event!

Christ addresses us directly in this Sunday's Gospel. How will you react to it? #60Seconds with Br. Leven.

In the Archdiocese of Kansas City in Kansas we are blessed to have a strong leader and spiritual father in Archbishop Joseph F. Naumann. On the feast of All Saints, Naumann came to the Abbey church to celebrate Mass with the students of Benedictine College – we hope you enjoy this glimpse into his visit. We would like to thank our Archbishop for his constant leadership!

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